Bully for you. As a long-time resident of Bar Harbor I am sickened by what is going on. At first blush I want to blame a blog that competes with yours but provides less news and more controversy. However, that blog would not be so successful if it did not have the material to promote controversies. I really enjoyed the article about the Field. Everyone needs to be more positive about Bar Harbor as a town that is loved by all who live here plus the thousands of visitors we entertain each year.
Bully for you. As a long-time resident of Bar Harbor I am sickened by what is going on. At first blush I want to blame a blog that competes with yours but provides less news and more controversy. However, that blog would not be so successful if it did not have the material to promote controversies. I really enjoyed the article about the Field. Everyone needs to be more positive about Bar Harbor as a town that is loved by all who live here plus the thousands of visitors we entertain each year.