So, a bit ago, I used to post on my regular website/blog some sarcastic writer-centered recipes that were usually:
This is not super high-quality five-star cuisine stuff. This is writer food for when you aren’t a food writer.
Spoiler: I am not a food writer.
Second spoiler: I kind of miss doing it.
I’ve been thinking about adding it here as a weekly/bi-weekly thing, but I can also just give it its own Substack. Let me know what you think, okay?
Here’s an example: Writing exercise and submission place to follow below. More actual writing tips next week! A printable version is here.
See what I mean? Weirdness, right?
This is from Self-Publishing School and seems to fit with my recipe above. :)
“Write a stream of consciousness
A stream of consciousness is a direct transcript of every thought you have. It’s a bit like speed-writing in that you just dump thoughts onto paper without judging them.
Giving yourself the freedom to write without second-guessing it helps to unkink writing blocks.”
There are 12 more exercises at that link if you feel like checking them out.
The Masters Review Novel Excerpt Contest
Emerging writers only.
Each fall, The Masters Review hosts a call for novel excerpts! Writing a novel can be an arduous and lonely process, but we’re here to champion the great work being produced. Whether your book is not quite finished or ready to pitch, we want to read your words. For this contest, we’re looking for self-contained excerpts that display a strong voice, compelling characters, and carefully constructed narrative arcs. You may submit an excerpt from any section of your completed or in-progress novel, but choose wisely: a synopsis should not be required for understanding the excerpt. As always, we have no limitations on genre, though we are primarily interested in literary fiction.
Top prize
Additional prizes
2nd: $300, online publication | 3rd: $200, online publication
Entry requirements
💰 Fee: $20
Deadline: November 12, 2023
I think the key here is, "I kind of miss doing it,"...and that's usually a sign it needs re-visiting. I think it needs to sit within your Substack, but perhaps as a new section...