I took a bit of a holiday last week because of the U.S. holidays. So, I’m a tiny bit stuffed (thank you sweet potato casserole) and bloated still, but here’s a cool writing tip, some links, and a submission opportunity.
I hope you have the best week! And keep writing, okay?
It’s never too late to get started on NANOWRIMO for next year, right?
Fantastic Agents and Where To Find Them from the Nanowrimo blog.
The Reedsy guide to revising a novel.
The Toll of The Sea, a poem
Indigenous Voices: Comics Created By & About Native People
This one is from NANOWRIMO. There’s a theme this week apparently. Anyway, it’s about finding an idea to write about. This doesn’t have to be for novels. It can spark ideas for poetry, plays, and nonfiction, too.
“Scroll through these photos until you find one (or more!) that sparks something for you, then pause and write your questions, wonderings, and ideas.”
“What kind of place is this? How did it get this way? Who might live or travel through it? How do they feel? What is it like for them there? What challenges do they face?”
Are you into horror? I have a place for you.
Check out Apex Magazine.
Submission Window: December 7th – 31st, 2022
Payment: 8 cents per word
Theme: Genre short stories filled with marrow and passion, works that are twisted, strange, and beautiful.
Our magazine is an SFWA-certified professional market.
Co-editor-in-chief: Jason Sizemore
Co-editor-in-chief: Lesley Conner
Special Fiction Editor & Reprints: Maurice Broaddus
Nonfiction Editor: ZZ Claybourne
Flash Fiction Editor: Rebecca Schibler
1) Submit your work in Shunn Standard Manuscript Format (Modern or Classic). Your manuscript should be in DOC, DOCX, RTF, or ODT file format. Inclusion of mailing address and phone number is not required.
2) Maximum word length is a firm 7,500 words. Anything more will be auto-rejected.
3) Payment for original fiction is $.08 per word up to 7,500 words. Minimum of $50.
4) If we podcast your story, additional payment is $.01 per word up to 7,500 words.
5) If the work you are submitting is an English translation, please include the translator name and email address either in your cover letter or within your manuscript. By submitting, you are verifying in good faith that you have the right to have your translated work published in Apex Magazine.
6) Apex Magazine welcomes and encourages submissions from writers of all races, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and military status.
We want diverse voices. We value diverse voices. Saying that, please be aware that we do not collect any information that might clue our editors to any of these attributes other than your name, email, address, and cover letter before any decisions are made regarding your submission.
7) Ready to submit your work? Head over to our Moksha account and upload your story!
Stories submitted by email or sent via the postal service will be disposed of unread.
1) Submit your work in Shunn Standard Manuscript Format (Modern or Classic). Your manuscript should be in DOC, DOCX, RTF, or ODT file format. Inclusion of mailing address and phone number is not required.
2) We continue to keep our focus on literary genre fiction: horror, science fiction, and fantasy. We do not accept multiple submissions or simultaneous submissions. Winner will be published as an exclusive on our Patreon before appearing in Apex Magazine. Winners will be asked to wait an issue cycle before submitting again (Eg. October/November winners will be asked to wait until February/March to submit).
3) Maximum word length is a firm 1,000 words. Anything more will be auto-rejected. While there is no minimum word count, please be aware we are looking for complete stories, not vignettes.
4) Payment for original fiction is $0.08 per word up to 1,000 words. Minimum of $10.
5) If the work you are submitting is an English translation, please include the translator name and email address either in your cover letter or your manuscript. By submitting, you are verifying in good faith that you have the right to have your translated work published in Apex Magazine.
6) Apex Magazine welcomes and encourages submissions from writers of all races, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and military status. We want diverse voices. We value diverse voices. Saying that, please be aware that we do not collect any information that might clue our editors to any of these attributes other than your name, email, address, and cover letter before any decisions are made regarding your submission.
7) We do not accept reprints. Our policy on work published to Patreon is that the story will be treated as a reprint.
8) Stories rejected from our flash fiction contest are ineligible for submission to Apex Magazine.
9) Apex Magazine‘s Flash Fiction Contest is themed. If your story does not meet our monthly theme, it will be rejected.
10) Ready to submit your work? Head over to our Moksha account and upload your story!