Every Monday, we’re sending out a quick round-up of what we talked about and some cool links to check out.
On Wednesdays the WRITE BETTER NOW podcast comes out here (and everywhere).
Later in the week there is a bonus post for paid subscribers because, honestly, it’s super kind of you to support me that way, and I want to make sure to make it worth your while. Thank you for being here.
Here we go!
Last week I talked all about voice in your writing (paid subscriber bonus).
And a podcast about astonishers, gaspers and screamers!
Cool Writing Exercise
The Write Practice’s Joe Bunting has a post about how perfectionism ruins creativity and he has this exercise to help combat that. Give it a try, okay? Put aside that Perfectionism Beast for a hot second.
And check out his post because he has a lot of good thoughts and he’s funny and engaging.
Over on the Poetry Foundation is An American Poem by Eileen Myles.
Nathan Bransford has a novel revision checklist.
LitHub has a post featuring 12 contemporary writers’ revision techniques.
And the NYT has an opinion piece about the power of reading fiction and how it impacts our brains.
e.E. Charlton-Trujillo and others organized 600 Books of Hope, gathering donations and collating them to give to the Uvalde youth. I was a tiny part of their efforts. Here’s a short video about it.