This weekend, we did a lot of things, but one thing was this.
Shaun saw a turtle in the travel lane of a busy road.
Shaun put on some gloves, grabbed the turtle safely, and moved it.
I want you to imagine a very tall, very broad-shouldered man walking across a road between two Maine mountains and he's carrying a turtle.
Then I want you to imagine some tourists in fancy cars, gawping at this very tall, very broad man in the road, striding across it between two mountains, turtle in hand.
They forgot to take pictures.
I didn't take a picture of anything until we were in the woods. And it's a bad one (see below).
But here's the thing: Bigfoot is real.
Just kidding! Just kidding!
Here's the other thing: life happens in a million ways that might make us gawp, make us skip around in joy, make us frown or shiver, or just make us smile.
We don't have to take photos of everything. We can sometimes just experience without documenting, too.
I hope you get a lot of cool experiences today!
Carrie, Shaun, a turtle, and Bigfoot