Hi, welcome to Write Better Now, a podcast of quick, weekly writing tips meant to help you become a better writer. We’re your hosts with NYT bestselling author Carrie Jones and copyeditor extraordinaire Shaun Farrar. Thank you for joining us.
No lofty talk about exposition or your story’s theme this week. Instead, we’re going back to basics with an easy grammar tip.
Some day (two words) vs. someday (one word). It’s a debate that happens on the page over and over.
Here’s how it works.
Someday (one word) is basically “at an indefinite time in the future.”
Some day (two words) is all about a specific day that we won’t know in the future. It’s unknown. It’s unspecified.
Still confused?
We’ve got you.
Someday (one word) is an adverb. It’s talking about something that might happen in the future.
Here’s an example:
Someday Shaun may not make a sexual innuendo, but I’m not holding my breath.
Some day (two words) is an adjective and a noun hanging out together. The adjective (some) is saying at some unspecified or unknown day.
Here’s an example:
I am so psyched to have free time some day next month.
Here’s another:
I’m going on a date some day in July, but I totally can’t get excited about it because it’s so far away.
Hey, thanks for listening to Write Better Now. These podcasts and more writing tips are at Carrie’s website, carriejonesbooks.blog. There’s also a donation button there. Even a dollar inspires a happy dance in us, so thank you for your support.
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