Pogie the Pup, Mr. Murphy, and Anxiety
Animal thoughts
Pogie the Pup: Today, may you and your people get out to frolic, and also may someone take a decent photo of you where they do not cut off your ears.
Mr. Murphy Dog: Or your feet.
Pogie: Or any appendage really.
Mr. Murphy: Maybe just frolic and be in the moment and not worry about any of that?
Murphy: How about you stop worrying about everything?
Murphy: It's really okay, little buddy, to just live.
Pogie: You promise?
Murphy: I promise.
Don't worry Pogie, human's do this to people, too. My mom, may she rest in peace, was known for cutting off the tops of people heads in photos. She was also known to take pictures at a slant so you felt like you were sliding out of the picture. :-)