POGIE: Ah, human, are the other humans making you sad?
ME: Yep.
POGIE: Would you like me to bark at them?
ME: That's kind of the problem, Pogie. They are all so busy barking that nobody remembers how to wag their tail.
POGIE: That sounds naughty. Wag their tails.
ME: You're not helping.
POGIE: I will just go look for humans for you.
ME: Don't bark.
POGIE: I'm totally going to bark.
ME: There's enough barking, Pogie.
POGIE: True. But my barking? My barking won't be the "you are wrong and you are evil and you are stupid" kind. My barking will be "I see you and you are beautiful and you just being here is a treat" kind.