Pogie: Do you remember when I messed up and ripped the comforter while having zoomies?
Me: Yes. I see the rip right now.
Pogie: But you still love me?
Me: So much.
Me: Do you need to know why I still love you?
Me: Because it was a mistake.
Pogie: What if it was more of an explore the world with your paws and teeth moment than a mistake?
Me: I still love you.
Pogie: Because?
Me: Because good dogs make mistakes, just like people. And when you make one, it doesn't define you unless you let it define you, unless you double down into it, unless you let it turn you paranoid and bitter and lash out.
Me: We can let our mistake be our defining moment OR we can choose all our defining moments to be good after that mistake.
Pogie: So, you love me?
Me: Always.
Pogie: And if I accidentally on purpose rip the comforter again or steal the cat food?
Me: Still love you because you'll eventually choose good because you are good.
Pogie: And because I snuggle?
Me: Yep. I will always love you because you snuggle.
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