How to Keep Your Readers Reading
Check out my seminar from last night! Well, the notes to it.
Last night, I did a seminar for the Writing Barn and it had way more info than I ever put in a quick post, so I’ve decided to share that link here so that you can check it out. It is legitimately more than 90 minutes worth of hints about that. Way more content than you’ve ever dreamed of, right? Just kidding!
But seriously, so many hints that I’ve curated from past blog posts and podcasts and working with writers.
And there are a ton of exercises there and information bits about how to keep your readers reading. So, you can go check it out if you want to!
Tales The Writer's Workout
“Tales is an annual themed anthology. Each year, we announce the theme and accept fiction submissions for almost six months. This anthology is open to any writer, anywhere in the world. Where possible, we review pieces and contact writers on a rolling basis during the call.
Tales accepts fiction short stories and poetry.
Times New Roman or Arial font, size 10 or 12, single spaced
Indented paragraphs except for poetry
Empty margins on all four sides
Empty line for scene breaksEntries must include this Title Information in this order at the top of the document body, aligned left:
Name or Pseudonym, email
Entry Title
Word or Line CountSubmissions without correct Title Information as listed above will be rejected unread.
Submissions including fanfiction, religious, political, or erotic content will be rejected unread.
Please do not submit AI-assisted content.Please visit our website to explore our other publications, competitions, and resources.
The Writer's Workout requests one-time, non-exclusive serial rights with worldwide distribution.
We accept simultaneous submissions, previously published works, and you're welcome to submit your work elsewhere after we publish it.This anthology is published in digital and print. The Writer's Workout is a registered nonprofit organization run by volunteers.”