Aurora Brought Us Together
Animal Thoughts if the Human is the Animal, Maybe?
The aurora appeared all over the Northern hemisphere last night and just when Emily and I were taking our evening jaunt around Bar Harbor.
"I see pink," I told her and whisked out my phone, which can be weirdly good (as we all have recently learned) at astrophotography because of night mode and long exposure time.
What is too faint for our eyes is often not too faint for the phone. Yay for computational processing!
We hurried toward the ocean, down our town's main street where some tourists and locals stood in sidewalks, heads tilted toward the sky. Some gasped. Some helped others get into night mode on their phones. People held hands. People exclaimed together.
This was even more true at the park where a ghost tour guide paused momentarily in his ghostly tales to let the people he'd gathered experience a true wonder.
And the best thing of all of this?
The very best thing?
It was that people weren't bickering. They were experiencing something beautiful, something massive, something gorgeous . . . together.